To facilitate interactions between NC State engineers, scientists, technologists and other professionals on the Centennial Campus and their counterparts in corporate and governmental laboratories and facilities, to make the University a more attractive partner and to further its reputation and mission as a land-grant University, a special category of relationships with the University shall be accorded specified personnel associated with corporate and governmental entities housed on Centennial Campus.
Definition: This category of personnel includes scientists, engineers, technologists and other professionals involved in research and management in corporate and governmental laboratories and facilities comparable to University administrators and faculty involved in research, teaching and extension. Professional Affiliates are entititled to join the NCSU Faculty Club (membership is controlled by the Board of Directors of the NCSU Faculty Club), to visit and use the NC State University Libraries, to purchase supplies and books from the University Book Stores, to utilize University Dining Services, to subscribe to the Center Stage Series and to the Friends of the College concert series, to enjoy other cultural amenities sponsored by the University, to visit the Craft Center, to be invited to scientific, technological, engineering, humanities, artistic and cultural lectures, seminars, and workshops sponsored by the University, and to register for courses through the Division of Continuing Education.
Definition: This category of personnel includes technicians, secretaries and other support persons comparable to University staff classified under the State Human Resources Act (SHRA). Staff Affiliates are entitled to have access to the University Book Stores to purchase supplies and books, to visit and to use the NC State University Libraries, to utilize the University Dining Services, to subscribe to the Friends of the College concert series and to the Center Stage Series, to visit the Visual Arts Center, to visit the Craft Center, to enjoy a variety of cultural amenities sponsored by the University and to register for courses through the Division of Continuing Education.
Corporate and governmental entities will submit names and justification for University Affiliate status in the Professional category to the Provost and in the Staff category to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance for approval, record keeping and appropriate distribution.